If you go to The Outpost, you know we just finished Sermon #2 in our version of the "EveryONE Counts" sermon series. Last Sunday, we kicked off this series by talking about how God's people are stewards of God's stuff. This Sunday we dealt with us being stewards of God's grace

In the past couple of weeks we've also talked about some issues of disconnectedness at The Outpost. Many people feel a lack of connection to a location. Many feel a lack of connection to each other. And many feel a lack of connection to a vision that speaks to the needs of Weaverville and The Outpost's role in meeting those needs. 

So here is the question: How can 'being a good steward of God's grace' bring about greater connectedness within our church family? How can this particular kind of stewardship unite us to a greater degree?
I'd love to hear your feedback in response to this question; it would be fantastic to get a whole conversation going about how our connectedness is affected by this kind of stewardship, as well as the stewardship of 'stuff' that we talked about last Sunday. What are your thoughts? Let's talk! To leave a comment below, click on the word "comment" and follow the directions to say what you want to say. Then keep checking back in to follow the conversation.

Surrounded By Grace,


  1. I would like to form a closer bond with the other members of my new church family. I have recently left a very close church family in the Bay Area and am still saying good-bye. This next weekend will be my last visit with them for quite a while and I plan to formally "join" The Outpost, thus, my desire to get to know my new family better.
    I think the idea of the monthly family meal is a great one and I hope to participate as soon as I am able. The women's bible study has helped me get to know some of the women in the church that I did not know and I am hoping to do the new study that Colleen is organizing, as well. But, I do feel that I need to connect with others in another way, but am not quite sure just what is needed. Maybe forming some home groups?
    Can someone else give me some ideas??
    Your sister, Jackie Brophy

  2. Thanks for your input Jackie- I'm sure looking forward to having you be "officially" part of The Outpost family. Here's what I think about connectedness and how it relates to stewarding God's grace.

    We get God’s grace, we give God’s grace. Oikonomics. We can do this individually, and we should, as we go through our everyday lives, as we interact with people at work and at school and at play and in our neighborhoods. But if we stop there, where is the connectedness? If we stop there, we’re just a bunch of school kids who go into a really big classroom on Sunday mornings and then return home as soon as the bell rings to do our homework— on our own. But church is more than school, and the people you see in the chairs around you on Sunday mornings are more than classmates—The Church is a family, and those dysfunctional people you see all around you—those are your family members. And a family does things together.

    Our church family has received grace: A truth to tell. A righteousness that comes from above. A joy in relationship with God that is our source of daily strength. Peace that goes beyond what is logical in spite of circumstances. A future hope that is so secure God invites us to speak of it in the perfect, completed tense. Forgiveness. Undeserved kindness. Patience. Friendship. Comfort. Help. Our church family has received all of this grace; how can we give it away together?

    This is typically where church outreach activities come in. Although we don’t have many of these and should look to grow in this area of church health, you might be surprised at the communal grace-giving opportunities we already have in place right now!— The Gabon Christmas Boxes are an opportunity to give God’s grace to needy children in Africa; The Halloween Open House is an opportunity to show love to our community at a time when many churches might choose to close their doors in judgment. And our new monthly Shared Meal is an opportunity to invite a visitor into an experience of what God’s family can look and feel like, complete with great conversations, fun, and a free meal. So here’s my challenge—I challenge you as a family member who has received God’s grace, to give it out in a communal way instead of in only a private, individualized way—by either taking part in one or more of these current outreach events or by thinking up new ones that our whole church can get involved in! Because the more we give out God’s grace as a family, the more we’ll look, sound and feel like a family.

  3. Josh,

    This is related to the awesome prayer class you teach.... check out this video of a little girl that was awesomely praying....Wow! (P.S. there is an annoying political ad the first 15 seconds. Looking 4ward to elections being over.)

    (I'm the one who brought the prayer class materials home a few years ago to reinforce the information from class. I was so excited, I was sharing them with my little girls. And my older one (age 11) became saved because of a discussion that was triggered from one of your slides. "Though she was created by God, she was not a child of God unless she asked Him to be one of His." Hope you enjoy the video.)

  4. Great link, thanks Deena (of course I remember you- that was a story that touched my heart the first time you told me. Thanks for sharing it again. So encouraging!)!


  5. I am experiencing love in a completely new way. My new church family provides me something I have not experienced in my past.

    I have no particular ties to a building, although I can see where it might be desirable for some.

    Sometimes my memory fails me~a church a attended for a short time in the past, published a directory of members (which of course was voluntary). It was a wonderful way to connect faces and have contact information on those willing to provide it. Some of the church members had free business cards printed by vista print, and so that was a nifty way to keep track of people.

    I appreciate your asking people to be patient when services are over, so we can visit after church. On some days, we are in such a hurry to clear out, it seems there is no time to visit.

    The family meal is a terrific idea and I am looking forward to attending my first one!

    I was first attracted to this church, by the online sermons. I know in my heart, that there are others such as myself, that for a variety of reasons, are not always able to physically make it in to a service. This service has been a Godsend.

    A personal call from my new Pastor at home, was what physically brought me back to the church. (My first real life pastor conversation....wooooo whoooooo!!!) was an amazing experience.

    The letter and cards from the Share and Care ministries make it so that I don't feel so alone and disconnected.

    Perhaps if we all knew what programs were available thru our church and some guidance and prayer over how we can contribute our own talents and ideas would be helpful.

    This was supposed to be a brief response and has turned into a novella.

    from the heart,

  6. Wonderful Casey, thank you so much for your 'response from the heart!' Love it.

    You know, we have a directory, and usually have copies, but we've just redone it and will try to get new copies out within a couple weeks. Thanks for the helpful prod!

    Your comment about 'guidance and prayer over how we can contribute our own talents and ideas' is well-received... I'm actually hoping to preach "live" on stewarding God's time this coming Sunday, and would address much of that. That makes your words a very appreciated confirmation of a very real need. Thanks again Casey!



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*Grace induces faith & Grace is obligated to faith ~