In the midst of many mind wanderings over the past few days, I have thought repeatedly about what it will take to ESTABLISH the Outpost in Weaverville over the next weeks and months, and what BEING ESTABLISHED really means for us, as a church and as individuals.  As I was reading Psalm 93 this morning, the Lord spoke to me.  Would you take a moment out of your busy day and read this short Psalm?

"The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The Lord is clothed, He has girded Himself with strength."

When we come to God with questions that don't seem to have answers, He has this tendency ot respond with truth statements about the nature of HIMSELF, rather than the nature of our problems... Have you noticed that?  I asked God about the ESTABLISHMENT of our church, and about how we should do it, and He responded with words about HIMSELF, through the words of King David, who observed:

"Surely the world is ESTABLISHED, so that it cannot be moved.
Your throne is ESTABLISHED from of old;
YOU are from everlasting."

I asked about US, and God responded about HIMSELF... what's that all about?  The Psalm goes on to talk about another mighty thing, possibly the mightiest force known to the ancient world, the untamed strength and power of water, or the ocieans.  What could stand up to it's constant roar, it's incessant pounding force... what?

What about us God?  What about The Outpost?  What about the many developments that lay ahead of us, the challenges, the growth, the structures, the money, the location, what about our establishment in the face of all the roaring, in the midst of all the incessantly pounding waves?  Oh... And then I read verse 4:

"The Lord on high is mightier
than the noise of many waters,
than the mighty waves of the sea."

And I am reminded that what matters is that GOD IS ESTABLISHED, and mightier than all the pounding, roaring forces of this world... and so are we already ESTABLISHED in all the ways that really matter when we rest in HIM.

Surrounded By Grace,

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*Grace induces faith & Grace is obligated to faith ~