When people ask me how I fit in as a "campus pastor" in Weaverville to what goes on at Neighborhood church in Redding (a.k.a "The Mother Ship"), I now tell them I am to Bill what Tim "The Tool-man-Taylor" was to Wilson on the once popular TV show "Home Improvement." I take the bewilderingly brilliant truths I hear 'on the other side of the fence,' and I repeat them in Weaverville... with a 'twist' all my own.

Which is why I'm going to copy another one of Bill's brilliant ideas from his blog and post a list of questions I'm hoping you, as my closet blog reader, will risk exposure for by responding to (in case you read Bill's list of questions, that is not an allusion to question #8)... TRANSLATION: If you follow this blog but selfishly (read 'wisely') refrain from commenting on the posts, this is your chance for worldwide self-disclosure. Also, like Bill, I'll share my own answers to the following questions after I've given you a chance to respond. Kindly number your answers to correspond and be 'reasonably' brief. Are you ready?

1) If you could pick any super power (think "Heroes" if you're a TV watcher), what would it be and why?
2) Name the funniest book title you've ever seen (NOTE: Please do not name the most inappropriate book title you've ever seen... that's too easy).
3) OPTIONAL: Help me add to my sidebar list: "You know you're a hunter when..."
4) If Bill wasn't a Pastor, he'd be a...
5) If someone put a gun to your head and ordered you to pick a cheese to put on the perfect steak, what kind of cheese would you choose? Seriously.
6) If we were all issued another economic stimulus check, what would you spend yours on and why (Saving the money in any way is not a valid answer because it... invalidates the purpose of an 'economic stimulus' check. Got it?)?
7) If you were going to ask a probing, witty question of your fellow blogger, what would it be? I'll post the best of those (or all of them, depending how underwhelming the response is) in a subsequent entry.
8) If you could have picked your own name, what would you have called yourself? Go crazy.

I'll be checking your answers to cheer myself up at key low points in my day, so don't let me down -- and have fun!

Surrounded By Grace,


  1. 1) If you could pick any super power (think "Heroes" if you're a TV watcher), what would it be and why? It's a toss-up between being able to blink to stop and un-stop time (I could take as many naps as I wanted that way!) or to snap my fingers and have my outfit change. Ok, not very "hero-ish". Sorry!
    2) Name the funniest book title you've ever seen (NOTE: Please do not name the most inappropriate book title you've ever seen... that's too easy). "Mommy's Locked in the Bathroom: Surviving your child's early years with your sanity and salvation in tact" - This one is on my wish list.
    3) OPTIONAL: Help me add to my sidebar list: "You know you're a hunter when..."... your child asks what kind of animal meat is in the spaghetti at dinner.
    4) If Bill wasn't a Pastor, he'd be a... Carpenter? I'm cheating - I think I heard that was one of his hobbies.
    5) If someone put a gun to your head and ordered you to pick a cheese to put on the perfect steak, what kind of cheese would you choose? Seriously. Whatever kind it is that they serve at La Grange... mmmm, I'm so hungry! Sorry Josh - I probably stole your answer!
    6) If we were all issued another economic stimulus check, what would you spend yours on and why (Saving the money in any way is not a valid answer because it... invalidates the purpose of an 'economic stimulus' check. Got it?)? gardening stuff - the warmer weather lately has got me thinking spring!
    7) If you were going to ask a probing, witty question of your fellow blogger, what would it be? I'll post the best of those (or all of them, depending how underwhelming the response is) in a subsequent entry. If someone was to make a movie of your life, what actor/actress would you want to play you?
    8) If you could have picked your own name, what would you have called yourself? Go crazy. Hmm - I don't have any favorite names and can't picture myself being called anything else. Can I be like "the artist formerly known as..." and have a cool symbol? :)

  2. Wait! Can I change my superpower? I would like to have the ability to know EXACTLY why my child is fussy, crying or testy at any moment... they're tired? teething? need to go to the emergency room??! THAT would be AWESOME!

  3. First of all Josh leave Esther alone I am sure she has better things to do than this.
    1) If you could pick any super power (think "Heroes" if you're a TV watcher), what would it be and why? For me it would have to be the obvious, flying would be pretty cool, plus I could save on gas money.
    2) Name the funniest book title you've ever seen (NOTE: Please do not name the most inappropriate book title you've ever seen... that's too easy) Well I dont read much but it would have to be Christianity for Dummies.
    3) OPTIONAL: Help me add to my sidebar list: "You know you're a hunter when..." Someone sits on your couch and you have to tell them to watch out for the bear head.
    4) If Bill wasn't a Pastor, he'd be a... An author:)
    5) If someone put a gun to your head and ordered you to pick a cheese to put on the perfect steak, what kind of cheese would you choose? I guess they would just have to shoot me.
    6) If we were all issued another economic stimulus check, what would you spend yours on and why (Saving the money in any way is not a valid answer because it... invalidates the purpose of an 'economic stimulus' check. Got it?) This is not really answering your question but I wish they would just keep the money I think they need it worse than I do.
    7) If you were going to ask a probing, witty question of your fellow blogger, what would it be? I'll post the best of those (or all of them, depending how underwhelming the response is) in a subsequent entry. Do you do this blog on company time?
    8) If you could have picked your own name, what would you have called yourself? Well it would not have been Delmont Freeman Senter, let's see maybe Sven.

  4. 1) Super-hearing, cuz I'm half deaf
    2) Good Zap Little Grog (one of Kean's faves when he was little, I still have it)
    3) You know you're a hunter when you save up 15 pounds of duck breasts in tupper ware in the freezer over who knows how many seasons (and actually move it with you when you move two states away!?!), then mix it up with 7 pounds of perfectly good lean ground beef that your wife was planning to use to make 5 meals worth of the worlds best meatloaf, spend an entire day running it all through a meat grinder over and over, finally forcing it into those little skins, then baking it in the oven all evening so said wife can't cook dinner, so in the end you have tons of ducky-yaki sticks that taste just like the ones you can go buy for 99 cents - and at the end of the day you still have a huge lump of this meat mix left, and you stick it in the freezer for another day when you've recovered your strength and can make more! Uh, sorry that's so long LOL. Oh, and then you hoard them and tell your 15 year old son with hollow legs that he can't have any... what are you planning to do with all those things anyway??
    4) my personal life counselor/advisor/guru
    5) huh? why would you put cheese on a steak? that's just weird.
    6) digi scrapping supplies
    7) I'm recovering from major surgery, I don't think I have any "wits" right now, much less a witty question...
    8) Um, I like my name, by definition it means "Glowing + Light", how cool is that? Mom did good.

  5. Okay. I know #3 was too long for you, Josh, so here you go.

    -Your wife breaks out in a cold sweat when you're driving down the road and she sees water or birds in the air - because she knows you're going to forget you're driving and swerve off the road.

    -You say something sweet to your wife and she asks where you think you're going hunting this weekend.

    -You try to convince your wife to pay for your license/tags out of the grocery budget.

    -You need exclusive use of the garage, a spare bedroom and every square inch of closet space in the house to store all your equipment.

    -Your idea of lingirie is 3D Advantage camo jammies. (sorry if that's too x-rated for you :0 )

    -You move two states away and Cabela's finds your new address and has their new catalogs in your hands in less than 30 days.

    -You think camo clash necessitates shopping for new clothes, and should in fact get its own line item in the budget.

    Okay, as the wife of a hunter I could go on, but I think you get the picture!

  6. ESTHER ~ No. You are not allowed to change your super power. There are rules you know.
    DEL ~ So... you're saying you don't like cheese on your steak?
    CANDICE ... I'll have to make a new side-bar category entitled: "Candice knows you're a hunter when..."

    Thanks everyone, keep it up, tell your friends, get on my good side. There are no wrong answers here, just "unique" ones. But mine will be the best.

  7. #1) Super power... I would have to say the power to heal cancer, and read people's minds.
    #2) Funniest book title...Can't really think of one but I did get a book called The Losing Season, it makes me laugh because it is about a basketball season, but I think of it as my life before Christ.
    #3) Optional Hunter question...You feed your sister taco's cause you know she loves them then you tell her "Oh by the way it's deer meat." when you know she doesn't eat free roaming meat.
    #4) If Bill wasn't a pastor... I think pizza maker ( I know lame)
    #5) cheese on a steak... Only 1 right answer and that would be Blue Cheese of course
    #6) Economic stimulus check...My husband says Thanks for spreading the wealth, I think, Happy 40th surprise trip for my sister & me or a dog
    #7)probing question... If you had to have a tattoo what would you pick & why
    #8) my own name... As a kid without a doubt it would have been Laura as in Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie.

  8. 1. I'd want to fly or fix things
    2. How to Read Slowly
    3. I refrain
    4. A Chef
    5. Probably some kind of goat cheese
    6. Clothes
    7. Do you find yourself unconsciously making your own mental soundtracks to your life ever, like a song comes to mind at a certain moment that has a strange appopriateness for your situation, much like in a movie when there is background music?
    8. Stella :-)

  9. GIRLYMOORE ~ I love your "probing question." That's a good one and will for sure make the list... start preparing your answer and thank you for your contribution!

    RACHAEL T. ~ I find myself incredibly uncomfortable with your cheese of choice on a steak. I doubt I will ever clear my mind of the horrific image of cheese produced by, of all creatures on God's green earth, a goat. You are too cruel, Stella. Is that revenge for question #3? Touche'. :)

    Keep 'em coming!

  10. Ernestine (Ernie) said..

    1. Flying- I can fly in my dreams and it is the coolest feeling ever.
    2. Reading for Dummies
    3.You know your a hunter paint you car camo cause you might want to do a drive by on that herd of deer.
    4. Bill would be a teacher.
    5. The perfect steak would have sweet caramelized onions on it so white american cheese. Pass the french bread and you got steak sandwhich.
    6. Weight loss drops - So i dont have to buy new clothes and pay off some debit!! THANKS TO Financial Peace University we are close to being debit free!
    7. If you could choose your top 3 spiritual gifts what would they be?
    8. George Phillip Gregory V. my father was the fourth and even though I am girl I think it would have been cool. I am used to the weird names anyway :P

  11. INFO ~ Thank you for that new perspective on the motive behind non-military vehicles sporting a camo paint job. As a man who has personally dreamed of the perfect vehicle on which to express my artistic side in greens, blacks and browns, I am ashamed that I never thought of using such a vehicle for drive-by deer hunting. What an excellent idea. That will not only make the "you know you're a hunter when" list, that one will make my personal "to do" list.

    On another note - feel free to keep contributing if you haven't yet had the chance. I promise to post my own answers soon on a separate post. Stay tuned!

  12. 1) If you could pick any super power (think "Heroes" if you're a TV watcher), what would it be and why?

    Healing factor

    2) Name the funniest book title you've ever seen (NOTE: Please do not name the most inappropriate book title you've ever seen... that's too easy)

    Mein Kamphy Chair

    6) If we were all issued another economic stimulus check, what would you spend yours on and why (Saving the money in any way is not a valid answer because it... invalidates the purpose of an 'economic stimulus' check. Got it?)?

    I would use it as start-up money for a business which would, for a mere 10% cut, provide advice on how to spend your economic stimulus check. If you would like to be part of this exciting new venture please contact me at. . .


Good news! You don't need to be a registered user to leave a comment on this blog. You can even post anonymously, though I wish you wouldn't. I look forward to your feedback!

*Grace induces faith & Grace is obligated to faith ~